Home | Gallery of astronomical pictures | Moon | BLANCANUS_SCHEINER_09.05.14_172830_UT



(Freely adapted from Wikipedia)


Blancanus is a lunar impact crater (dia. 105 Km, dept. 3.7 Km) located in the rugged southern region of the Moon, to the southwest of the walled plain Clavius. To south-southwest of Blancanus is the worn Klaproth.

The outer rim of Blancanus is considerably less worn than that of Scheiner crater to the northwest, and the edge is still fairly well defined and it has a terraced structure on the interior. The floor is relatively flat with several low rises at the midpoint. There is a cluster of small craterlets in the southern part of the crater floor.  


Scheiner is a lunar impact crater (dia. 110 Km, dept. 4.5 Km) that lies to the west of the enormous walled plain Clavius. To the southeast near the rim of Clavius is the crater Blancanus. The rim of Scheiner is worn, eroded, and marked with multiple impacts. It is most heavily worn in the northern part, where a cluster of craterlets covers the entrance to a low valley leading to the north. The floor of the crater has several craterlets, including Scheiner A that lies near the midpoint. There is also a low ridge crossing part of the eastern floor.


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